











A Prayer for the Earthquake in Turkey and Syria

Gracious and Merciful Lord, we pray for those impacted by the devastating earthquake in Turkey and Syria.

A strong earthquake hit southern Turkey near the border with Syria, causing huge damage to the two countries. Numerous buildings collapsed and ruined. Many people were killed and lost their homes. Earthquakes made unoffending beings suffer, leaving the victims in destitution and homelessness.  Due to the severe winter, low temperature seriously hampered the rescue efforts.

Embrace in your arms those who died suddenly.  Console the hearts of those who mourn and wait for news of missing loved ones. Grant the spirit of faith and courage to those who suffer and sorrow.  Comfort those who wait in fear of the next tremor. And ease the pain of the survivors waiting for rescue.

Comfort those sufferers, Lord, in this disaster. Be their rock when the earth refuses to stand still, and shelter them under your wings when their homes are gone.

Gracious God, we pray for the earthquake relief work.  We earnestly ask God to give the local authorities and international rescue organizations the wisdom and competence to respond to disasters, to find survivors from the rubble, properly help settle down those victims, and deploy sufficient manpower and supplies. 

O Lord, may your providence on those rescue workers laboring day and night, that they may have the strength to meet the days to come for rescue work as they cling to your goodness and love and hope.

For those of us from afar, we also pray that you pierce our hearts with compassion, move us to act swiftly, give generously, work for justice always, and pray unceasingly for those who need it most in this desperate hour.

Through Jesus Christ our Lord we pray.


Hong Kong Christian Council
8 February 2023